
Talk to us. Find a training that support you and your career development

We are glad to partner with CIDB’s myBIM Centre to form myBIM satellite learning centre for the southern region. Our dedicated training centre is located in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru and is equipped with the latest BIM tools which offer and conduct training based on the BIM training modules developed by myBIM Centre. Our state of the art training facility is now ready to conduct training modules with certification from CIDB.

Please visit myBIM Centre website to learn more and post any related enquiries. Alternatively, text us your enquiry and we will be in touch soon.

Now calling for future modellers to join our fundamental modelling of architecture and structure training in April 2019!

Training enquiries

Call/Whatsapp: +60 11-6119 3625 (Mr Yusuf)

